Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sometimes when making home improvement choices, it is hard to follow our heads instead of hearts. Our hearts want granite countertops, slipper tubs and built-in wine refrigerators. But, where is the value when it comes time to sell?

There have been many articles written about the subject and I found this one here to be extremely helpful.  Even though the "heart" improvements make us feel good and may be intially attractive to a potential buyer - the "head" improvements are the ones that can make or break a real estate transaction.

While you may think that a new furnace or dishwasher isn't very sexy.  A new buyer will appreciate your attention to needed repairs when it comes time to order a home inspection. Inspections can often uncover much needed repairs that a seller may be unaware of.  When starting to upgrade your home it may be wisest to start with repairs before moving on to other items.  It is a good idea to make a wants a needs list and prioritize your improvements.  Get multiple bids on the work and do a cost benefit analysis when really considering the return on your investment.

If you are thinking of upgrading your home or preparing it to sell.  Please give me a call.  I am happy to provide you with a Free Real Estate Market Analysis on your property and advise you on those items that will bring you the most return in a sale.


Kristen Gil
Broker Salesperson
Dickson Realty

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