Wednesday, November 04, 2015

As a Realtor, I get this question all the time, "Do we really need a home inspection?".  The unequivocal answer is YES!

Every Buyer should consider a home inspection as an essential part of their home buying process.  There are many parts of a home that a buyer simply can not see.  A home inspector and other inspectors are a very important part of the professional home buying team.

While some states have disclosure laws that require a Seller to reveal any problems they are aware of, often Sellers are unaware of potential looming problems. 

The time to request inspections is during the initial offer process.  In your offer, you should be specific as to what kind of inspections that you wish to conduct and who will be paying for those inspections.  

Your Realtor can advise you about what inspections are applicable for your property and provide you with a list of reputable inspectors to choose from.  

Some recommended inspections:

  • Structural Home Inspection
  • Pest Inspection
  • Heating and Air Conditioning Inspection            
  • Survey
  • Septic Inspection
  • Well Inspections
  • Radon
  • Roof
  • Oil Tank
Sometimes these inspectors will recommend further inspections by additional contractors/professionals.  Make sure you have the ability to request additional inspections by having your Realtor request this in your original offer.

Which party pays for inspections is negotiable.  Your Realtor can advise you to what is normal and customary in your area.

Once you have negotiated the required repairs to be made by the Seller, you may want to have the home reinspected to ensure that the repairs have been completed correctly.

I always believe that it is better to be safe than sorry.  A little money up front may save you from a huge problem after the close of escrow.

Find the 10 Questions to Ask a Home Inspector here.

You can contact me for all of your Real Estate needs at 775-762-7653 or Visit my Real Estate website at

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